The continuing education mission of NATURE reflects in the running and managing of the RBCs for comprehensive quality education and soliciting the priorities of the student communities for a specific purpose of area development and community enrichment.
In this line of thought the border areas vulnerability and required support and lift in the fronts of education, health and other relief from assortments like lack of accessibility, problem of teachers, language in border area and apathy of parents, dropout children defunct schools, Poor infrastructures, inaccessibility of the schools during rainy seasons is being addressed in collaboration with NEG-FIRE (National education group for innovation and research in Education).
The awareness is sought to be enhanced among the CBO, village leaders, cross state stakeholders, line departments, teachers and community towards enhancing the inbuilt livelihoods, stoppage of migration and promotion of education.
The conservation of natural resources like aforestation in a large scale, national parks, hill community resorts, protection of fauna and flora have been the major avocation for the NATURE through which the community is being given a minute opportunity for protecting the livelihood bases and traditional occupations while preserving such basements for the generations to come have been the conservation practices.
Promotion of NTFP (Non-Timber forest produces) and MFP (Minor forest produces) has constituted the pillars through the collection, processing, storage and distribution for alternative livelihood promotions and for holistic occupation preservation while promoting the animal husbandry and li8vestock. The housing and land development have been again the major priority areas applying the low-cost technologies and sanitation with the collaboration of UNICEF.
The NATURE originally came into existence as a result of extreme discriminations and injustices, gender imbalances, disparities in the service delivery and discriminations and taken up the issue for public Diaspora through cultural and art forms like street plays, one-act plays, songs and other cultural forms which has earned social acclaim and recognition to the NATURE and earned distinctive identity among Tribal communities and landed the NATURE in a benefactor facilitator position.
The social calendar events like national integration day, UN (United Nations) calendar and the national calendar of importance are followed and pledges are administered for an integrated outlook and attitude through dance & cultural Kalajatha to motivate the Tribal segment and adolescents. This Kalajatha has earned an impeccable magnanimity for motivation and sensitization of communities and awareness generation that leads to good citizenship and governance.
The NATURE organization with its key presence in the 3 districts of the eastern coastal zones has the proven functional and field level spotlight in HIV/AIDS prevention and care & support aspects for over 2 decades in association with UNICEF, SC - BRB (save the children– Bala Raksha Bharath), APSACS (Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control Organization) and NACO (National AIDS Control Organization) through distinctive designed programs. Its long association with this front has equipped it with the acumen of the strengthened program and continuously adopted a rational of community ownership and youth participation in all the programs it has designed.
The targeted intervention program all through the NACP (National AIDS Control Program) stages meant for composite and migrant workers has been of much illumination dealing with total 10,000 target segments in AIDS prevention, care and support and proven community ownership efforts. Similarly, the prevention of parent to child transmission has been much success dealing with one zone and could mobilize positive networks. In partnership with the IGSSS (Indo Global Social service Society) the prevention and awareness generation program in Tribal hamlets has acquired movement. Prevention and awareness generation among Tribal adolescent community has been a novel design collaborating with SC-BRB.
In the similar lines the project Balasahyoga in association with FHI (Family Health International), a nodal association of CIIF(Children International Investment Fund) has been remarkable in soliciting the required support of all sections of the society particularly of the children and infected families and similarly the networking with various functional line departments and also the medical and health areas and support for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and their families with the Goal to improve the quality of life of children infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and their families by expanding coverage of comprehensive HIV and AIDS care, support and treatment services.
In the matching lines the prevention perspective treatment of OI’s (Opportunistic Infections) and outpatient Consultation of illnesses related to HIV/AIDS, Treatment of OI’s (Opportunistic Infections) and Counseling for ART (Anti Retroviral Therapy) drug adherence and Home Based Care (HBC) has shaped the formulation of establishing the Community Care Center giving it a mandate of inpatient and outpatient facility under expert supervision of medical professional with all the emergency care equipment housed in appropriate setting with all the facilities and boarding-lodging facility combine.
NATURE has always been a non-governmental entity and networking facilitator OF NGO’s with belief to expand choices and aims to make development work more of reality and practice to protect vulnerable sections through volunteerism.
NATURE with grass root exposure functioning with different agencies has a committed passion for networking ideology and rights-based initiatives with a primary focus on collaboration and partnership for capacity development within the networking organizations to move from a needs-based to a human rights-based professional approach on par to contemporary standards for the full implementation redefining the concept of civil society to better reflect the human poverty concept including the behavioral aspects.
The belief is that intensified partnerships have to provide a good basis for joint programming and collaboration in the development of new approaches. In this right direction, NATURE has promoted networking spirit among predominantly the Tribal centred CSO’s as well as other institutional frameworks in order to strengthen the spirit of principled association for a just reason and cause of volunteerism and subsequently for a shared vision.
The programs concerning the DST – PROBE (Department of Science and Technology – Participation of youth in real time observation of science and technology), VRC (Village resource center) of ISRO (Indian space research organization) and child rights-based movement with DAK – AUSTRIA are in the precise track of networking which aims at break taking in epoch-making and constructive programming as a single entity with a common voice and bearing.
The project PROBE of DST has been a real consent for NATURE to catalog the science and technology proceedings in the operational areas of Tribal regions of Visakhapatnam A.P with a renewed vision of instilling and streamlining the education progression towards real-time familiarity with the practical characteristic and connecting that to the modular calisthenics for youth and community deriving the rich recompense in galore to the functional aspects of environment and in return to the economy.
The degradation of ecology and environment are impacting the heightening of atmospheric temperatures, increased ozone layer, greenhouse effects, degradation of forests, Natural ecosystem and are of collision to Forestry, Coastal zones, Agriculture, Mountains and glaciers, rainfall and water resources and the result is on public health, energy generation and use of natural resources.
The nature has the acclaimed credentials in protecting and promoting the eco-bio balances of Eastern Ghats as a frontrunner in promoting ecological and fauna and flora through environmental awareness camps, campaigns, and seminars are conducted in Visakhapatnam and neighbouring districts and designing environment collaborations in community, schools and with line departments by forming green brigade in schools in almost all the educational establishments as well as covering manufacturing establishments, unions, pollution control board, laboratories, select soil testing etc.
Extensive soil testing, land development and water source testing are undertaken. The CARE-STEP vision has extended the breach to contour building, check dams, watershed is promoted, and tree planting, sampling nurseries with forest department, DRDA (District rural development agency), DWMA (District water resource agency), and other environmental agencies and inroads are built for the project staff trained in wider environment issues.
The women empowerment and rights are realized in a measured way that harnesses the aspirations and resource requirements balancing the Government priorities and civil society pledges for a holistic cause with the association of various service providers.
The growth of children is ensured with the up gradation of Anganwadi centres through a mandated resource of UNICEF, Dept. of Woman and child welfare and ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) chiefly among other things to strengthen the system and making them child-friendly. A program to advance the strengths of functionaries the CARE sponsored INHP (Integrated Nutrition and Health Project) program is of definite assistance.
The children segment is the target portion with nodal programs of rights protection, provision of services and protections through the formation of CPC (Child protection committee) and CC (Child Clubs) with dominion for community inclusive prepared mechanisms for comprehensive inclusion and radical change in the child front with the support of the SC-BRB (Orphan and Vulnerable Children) and state level networks as level players for catalytic transformations to eradicate the child labor, abuse, dropouts, checking the ill-treatment to otherwise able and OVC (Orphan and Vulnerable Children) which provision has been the role model for the rest of the tracts.
The water, sanitation, hygiene, child development and Nutrition project of UNICEF has a head-on start to contain malaria, jaundice and other epidemics for the lives of women and tender children through awareness generation, community mobilization by forming hygiene committees at school and community levels are sought to be achieved for community ownership and thereby containing the epidemics.
The specific component has been facilitated in the NATURE threshold which has risen trained youth of 720 specialized in community development, mobilization and raising the leadership potentials of vulnerable village communities. This leadership of youth is now occupied in generating livelihoods, micro income generation projects and extensive capacity building programs to the community. During this pinnacle of ventures, the JFM and CFM have been the adverts which are World Bank ventures that have extended the knowledge base on the forest utilities and management of natural resources. The three community training centres located at Araku – SRC (Social Resource Center), Borra caves – SLC (Social Learning Center) and S.Kota LPC (Livelihood Promotion Center) have been an edge to the youth for enhancing the skill base and sophistication to the avenues and as resource centres.
NATURE launched support & campaigning initiatives since 18th March 2020 to combat COVID-19 pandemic - has under taken nutrition supplementation and distrubution of essentials like dry ration kits,safety masks,soaps and supply of cooked food to the migrants and needy through community-kichens in our op-erational areas in the Northa Coastal Districts and also launched awarness campaigne in local tribal dilects to sensitiise our tribal communities in collabration with ITDA- Paderu & Distric adminstration support from Visakhapatnam , Vizianagaram & Srikakulam Districts.By adhering the advisory guidelines of Niti-Aayog & Minstry of Home Affairs Govt of INDIA.