NATURE believes in the potential development of the civil societies and manpower and for this exclusive brand the capacity building of various institutions is undertaken along with the young professions, interns, graduate summer placements and lobbies for placements with the leading development institutions whilst absorbing some of the potential post graduates in the belief that the study opportunities are not uniform and the opportunity alone makes the people skill bent. With this in view the organization encourages the volunteer placements for short, medium and long durations in the areas of capacity building, training & development, microenterprises, vocational trades, livelihoods and science promotion for the benefit of the community branches and as of now considerable segments of the people are benefited and placed in various disciplines. The volunteer aspirations are requested to contact the project office at the E-Mail: or with the relevant documents during spring and fall seasons.
NATURE launched support & campaigning initiatives since 18th March 2020 to combat COVID-19 pandemic - has under taken nutrition supplementation and distrubution of essentials like dry ration kits,safety masks,soaps and supply of cooked food to the migrants and needy through community-kichens in our op-erational areas in the Northa Coastal Districts and also launched awarness campaigne in local tribal dilects to sensitiise our tribal communities in collabration with ITDA- Paderu & Distric adminstration support from Visakhapatnam , Vizianagaram & Srikakulam Districts.By adhering the advisory guidelines of Niti-Aayog & Minstry of Home Affairs Govt of INDIA.